Friday, May 28, 2010


我按了Bus Stopping 的铃, 走到出口.
巴士停了, 门没开.
前门有人上车, 我在后门等门开.
前门关了, 后门还是关着的.
司机准备开车, 我冲向前.
说, Uncle, 我要下车.
Uncle说, 要下车按铃就可以了, 不用走来前面.
我指着 Bus Stopping 的灯, 跟Uncle 说,
Uncle, 我按了. 你没开门.
Sweat.... =.=

1 comment:

ching said...

don't put the picture
that's my cap
you press one more time then the uncle will know there's someone hasn't alight and he will open the door